Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Connecting cable to a pcb pin with electrical tape

Hi, I'm trying to connect a cable to a pcb pin using an Electrical tape, consider this is my only option, how reliable is it? Is it possible?

Possible; yes. Reliable; not even slightly.

A connector socket crimped on the end of the wire would be much better.

A standard or even an improvised wire wrap would also be possible.
It'd help if we had more information about what it is exactly that you're doing.
Without that, duct tape will hold longer than electrical tape.
That's what my dad says anyway.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
All kidding aside please post a clear photo. Tape or no tape. Electrical or Duck, what you're describing will not provide a reliable connection.



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
For operations other than breadboard testing .... EVERYTHING! Even then they're dubious.
