Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Complete beginner, looking for a the path to build a stun gun

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Hi, I was hoping to get some help or guidance to start me off on the right path. What I am trying to figure out as you can guess is how to build a stun gun (completely legal where I live so long as it is 5 milliamps or under). I am a complete beginner but I am willing and want to learn how to build a quality one from scratch (not one of those camera ones on youtube). Now Im not asking for a design or a how to but rather the path of I should take to reach this point. This whole thing seems a little daunting and im unsure of where I should start or how to go about it. I'm hoping not only to build one, but also know how it all works in the end. So if anyone would be so kind as to recommend where I should start or a general path to take (books i should read, areas of study, references) I would appreciate it.
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