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Maker Pro

Commercial Bio Diesel


Bob Adkins

With petro diesel running $2.20 per gallon in my area, why is there no
commercial bio diesel available here as in Europe? Is the Old Boy Network
blocking it?

Steve: What would you guess a gallon of bio diesel would sell for if you
geared up for a quantity of say 1,000,000 gallons per month?

If it became available commercially from 1 or more large suppliers, would
veggie oil and animal fat get scarce real quick, only to send bio diesel
prices up near petro diesel prices?

Hey, I would even pay a little more for bio just to deny the Arabs that
nickel (and get that nice smell). :)

-- Bob

Antipodean Bucket Farmer

Steve: What would you guess a gallon of bio diesel would sell for if
geared up for a quantity of say 1,000,000 gallons per month?
A gallon of canola oil or sunflower oil is about $8/gal in the local
grocery store. That's food grade, but there is only a couple % profit
in grocery stores, so that looks like a ballpark figure to me.

The key phrase there is, "food grade."

Biodeisel can be made from "waste" vegetable oil that
has already been through the fryer at a restaurant. It
doesn't need nearly the level of hygiene/purity/safety
compared to "food grade." Also, biodiesel would
involve very different packaging and delivery. Large
tanks and tanker trucks, compared to thousands of 1-
litre plastic bottles.

OTOH, I seem to recall reading something about people
in the UK actually buying cooking oil off the shelf to
mix with regular diesel. Apparantly, it might be worth
it, due to the UK's high fuel taxes.

Also, the London police supposedly have some effort to
catch veggie-oil users driving commercial vehicles, by
personally smelling the exhaust.


yes that is corect I am afrade in the uk duty on fosil road diesel is 4p
more than petrol (gas) duty being both a fix amount per l and vat
(perchese tax) as a % of the cost . in short the uk has one of the
cheapest before tax supplys of fuel in the eu . yes the smell police are
are about . all so food grade oil dosnt cary any vat . athought if you
dont fancy having your car crushed you can self declare the duty or use
a fuel supplyer and you only pay at a reduced rate.