Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Collective Components

Hello :D

My friend and I were discussing what the collective words for electronics components should be. This is what we come up with. Please add more suggestions or improvements :)

a ohmery of resistors

a coulomb of capacitors,

a tangle of inductors

a nebula of LEDs

a packet of chips (IC flavour)

a barricade of diodes

a bakery of breadboard

a farm of batteries


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
a band of semiconductors

a coherence of lasers

a generation of solar panels
A loony farm of bipolar transistors.
Acres or hectares of field effect transistors.
A bed of MOSFETS.
a mob of resistors
a train of conductors
a roll of datasheets
a boatload of bridge rectifiers
a bridge of tunnel diodes
a squad of regulatiors (or a troop of regulators)
a turn of switches
a tapper of buttons
a pan of potentiometers
a buddha of zenors