Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Christmas lights help



I am wondering if anyone knows if there is an easy way to repair some
christmas lights?
Some of the lights we have won't remember the setting they are on and will
revert to the first setting each day. I know that all the lights we have are
different types but I was wondering if anyone knows if they have a battery
or capacitor iside the box to remember the settings.
I can try to get mor info from the boxes if that would help.



Thanks for that. I will probably try that

It seems strange though that even though they probably aren't designed that
way, most of the lights I have do remember their settings. The ones I wanted
to fix did save their settings last year but not this year. I even just
bought 3 sets of the same lights from Go-Lo. 1 set remembers the settings
and the other 2 don't.
I did also test them tonight.I had set all the lights to the correct
setting, then turned them off for a minute. When I turned them back on they
all remembered the setting, which I thought may have been the capacitor
inside not being able to hold the charge for the full day.

Thanks for the help

Jason S

oh it shits me when I have to change the setting every night, grrr.
Especially when I have like 6-8 sets of different lights!
