Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Choose Software or Hardware in electronics ??

In todays Industrial Environemnt,the trend in electronics filed is more towards
software and less in hardware.In the 70s,80s electronics was 100% hardware.Now its becoming
more of software and less hardware.

As per expert advice it is very difficult to master both hardware and software.So as a electronic engineer
what approach should be taken ?

Since I am more into designing circuits and product development (due to which less time in programming),my opinion is stick to hardware with some skills
of programming as well .

Kindly advice please .


Hop - AC8NS
There was lots of software in the 70s and 80s. This is when the microcomputer revolution began. I know this because I was knee deep in it. Both electronics hardware and software development have kept pace with each other. I know of no software that can be executed without hardware. And I know of no electronics that couldn't in principle be improved by adding computational hardware and the software to control it.

As an electronics engineer, my advice is to master what you best enjoy doing, emphasis on the joy. If you become a "hardware guy" you will still have to confront software that controls your hardware. It pays to have some familiarity with software programming, if for no other reason than to direct the efforts of a software team. Playing "dumb" about software is a no-win situation. You can always turn for help from those who love to design software. Or learn enough about software design to do (some of) it yourself. At least acquire a passing familiarity with whatever software you will need to complete your projects. Start simple and build from there.
Depending on what industry you choose to work will dictate the skills needed to succeed. I have worked in several industries. In manufacturing image tubes, and display device it was hardware.

Working in the Natural Gas Transportation industry ( Process control) software expertise is needed. . At our facilities we use Allen Bradley Process Autmation Controllers and various graphic displays.
I'm with hevans1944 on this. Choose what you like to do, and concentrate on that with supporting knowledge of the other.
I'm a hardware guy. When my kid started college I knew he wouldn't like it. He concentrated on software and is happy.
Be happy.
One of the major concern in todays Job market is not sharing information with juniors
Our boss does not like to share his Knowledge and skills with us for eg. when there is a new project the project manager keeps us away from the design aspect ,programming etc. What he gives us is to find components or some sort of documentation etc..

So because of this we can't progress .One of the way I am dealing with this situation is to self learn . Buy a kit do small programming or build some circuit on breadboard etc

Kindly advice please .
it is very difficult to master both hardware and software.
That is pretty much unavoidable these days.
The software can do things and in a more flexible way than straight hardware, but the software needs hardware to run.