Maker Pro
Maker Pro

cctv with twisted pair video output

Is it possible for me to connect my cctv camera with twisted pair
video output to a PC capture card? The camera has a bnc connector,
but it's not working. I'm guessing the twisted pair output might work.
Is it possible for me to connect my cctv camera with twisted pair
video output to a PC capture card? The camera has a bnc connector,
but it's not working. I'm guessing the twisted pair output might work.

More details. What camera? What capture card has balanced inputs for
Are you sure the "twisted pair" on the camera isn't just the DC power

Martin Griffith

On Mon, 29 Oct 2007 10:58:50 -0700, in
Is it possible for me to connect my cctv camera with twisted pair
video output to a PC capture card? The camera has a bnc connector,
but it's not working. I'm guessing the twisted pair output might work.
I'd check if the camera is working, by plugging it into a normal TV in
AV mode before thinking of fancifull ways of re writing the operating


john jardine

Is it possible for me to connect my cctv camera with twisted pair
video output to a PC capture card? The camera has a bnc connector,
but it's not working. I'm guessing the twisted pair output might work.

The BNC video should be good to 50mtr. Twisted pair would need expensive
passive or active baluns at either end and would be OK out to longer
distances but no basic picture improvements.
Sounds much like your camera or capture card is knackered.