Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Cash deposit for battery

Ok here is my thought. How to generate more recycling of batteries. Lets face it we love portable electronics. But that means a lot of batteries. So what if a system was set up to create an incentive to recycle them, other than just doing the right thing.
The idea I have is one like many states have set up for recycling other items MONEY. Michigan, California, Oregon, and others give cash for plastic bottles and such, why not batteries?
Not only that, but you CAN actually recycle plastic, glass, and paper.
You can't actually 'recycle' a dead small portable battery.
You could push for legislation to institute a 'disposal' tax on people, Big Brother would love that, but
it'd meet with a fair amount of public resistance.
Some 'progressive' idea might be to tax the heck out of everybody, and then whatever the bureaucrats might leave some of that money for, would be to pay them to turn-in dead batteries for disposal. More like a ransom payment that a 'recycle' fee. You know, to 'save the children, environment' or whatever the latest cause dejure is this week.
In the UK, most supermarkets have a bin to put used batteries in. I have no idea what they do with them.