Hey, I'm trying to install a power trunk/boot lock/unlock in my truck and am having problems with my wiring setup blowing fuses. What I'm trying to achieve is to have a switch where I can lock and unlock a power door actuator like this. The circuit I have for that works fine. But, on my power-door lock control module I have the option of a trunk/boot release which I have tried wiring this into my circuit. When I push the button to activate the trunk release function, it blows the fuse for my power door control module. I've tried putting a 1amp/20v schottky diode on the trunk release wire coming from the module. But when I tried it, the diode literally exploded! I've added a crude diagram here of the circuit. If anyone can tell me why this is happening / how to fix it that would be great. Note also that my power door module also has a negative output option for trunk release if that helps.