Maker Pro
Maker Pro

car power circuit thingy



I haven't selected a relay yet, but the plan was for it to be 5v and latching, so it only requires a pulse to switch on and another to switch off, that way the linear regulator is hardly doing anything most of the time - problem is latching ones seem to be hard to find

does the 2 power connections to the PicAxe make sense? is it as simple as putting a diode on each like I have done? - I can't try this in yenka as it sets the PicAxe max rating to 0v and it blows no matter what, it's pretty frustrating to work with

the 7800 data sheet I was looking at recommends capacitors but I was also going to put one on each 12v line to stop it dropping lower than 7 volts during engine start. I think the buck converter has smoothing capacitors already but I will check

could you explain the transistor resistor to me? this is where my knowledge of electronics lets me down, I originally tried a mosfet there because I thought it would draw no current from the picaxe but I couldn't get this to work in yenka

do you think the buck converter negatives should be connected together so everything shares the same ground?
Everything should share the same ground yeah..

There has to be a current limiter or what will hapen is the mc will max out getting hot, the current simply passes from the base to emitter, use a 500 - 1k ohm on base...


looking at the pcb of the buck converter both negatives are connected to the un-etched patch of copper so it's doing that anyway, me being stupid there