Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Car color organ question

hey guys, I have a question. I am currently working on a project which I need to put dancing/music pulsing lights in my car aka color organ or color bar. I need this to apply to a car so it needs to be 12 volt. they already sell units that do this called color bars

thing is, its a single unit with about 8 to 10 lights. my project requires about 100 lights working at one time. here are a few pictures of the circuits that make them work







these are finished units with everything needed per bulb




if you see, it takes about 2 or 3 circuits per bulb so I can easily put each little circuit board behind each bulb its just a lot of wiring ill use. my question...

I know it uses a tip 31 its the black square circuit and is what actually does the work. but do any of you recognize or see familiar what the other circuits I need are? I see a brown small but long one with stripes and those round red ones to make each single light work. are any of you familiar with them or recognize them or know what I need to finish my project?

here are a few links to give you an idea of schematics, only difference I am using bulbs not leds

thanks in advance guys
o and also that knob is what controls the sensitivity of the audio signal to the bulb. if power/heat/safety having that many bulbs is an issue then I guess ill go with LEDs as an option
yes martin thank you =D I'm sorry, not too familiar with electronics I know its elementary to you guys. I know those pictures need to be clearer so I'm guessing now to be sure I have to buy one of those units and post individual pictures of the circuits
yes martin thank you =D I'm sorry, not too familiar with electronics
Haha, I thought you were joking!!
Hence my reply.. I thought the pcb's, tools and components were yours.
So tell me please, what is the real question? If you don't know what a resistor is, then help will be very difficult. You said "help to finish project"!!
What parts of the pictures are yours?
And what have you got/done so far?

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