Maker Pro
Maker Pro

CAPTCHA Broken with Proof

I forgot my password so I was gonna have it reset but the Captcha on this site is obviously farked.

After the 20th or so try I decided I would start snipping the screen shots and you tell me if I am entering them incorrectly. I even tried the audio ones 3 times and couldn't get it.





I'd say burners has valid points, except for that last mistake. I have entered punctuations like that myself and it was accepted.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I have had issues with captchas that have been due to odd caching issues, but they typically resulted in getting he same image every time.

I routinely leave out what appears to be punctuation, and I don't recall this being a major issue. Maybe some captchas ignore punctuation.

I also hate captchas. The audio version is almost always incomprehensible to me. Hey, maybe I'm a bot. I'm sure my wife thinks so at times... :eek:


Hi burners - thanks for letting me know about this. I'll have a look in to this when I'm back home (3rd Jan) and investigate in more detail. I've only got a few mins access to the computer, but wanted to let you know I'll check it out.

We're using "Recaptcha" from Google and it worked for me when I tried it a few moments ago, so I wonder if this was just a temporary problem. If you tried 20 times then something has gone wrong somewhere - sorry about that!

Has anyone else had a similar problem?


I've had a look at the recaptcha implementation (the CAPTCHA service provided by Google) and I can't seem to replicate this problem, so I think it may have been a temporary problem at their server end.

There have been quite a few new users registering in the past few days, so I think it may have just been down for a short period of time.