Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Capacitor tester in circuit


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Well, that's invalid too! Your capacitance meter is on the 2000μF range, so either that's a faulty capacitor or your meter does strange things when over range. If it is a 4700uF capacitor then it's measuring 4200μF.

So is it 4700μF, 425μF, or 4200μF? You need (at least) your capacitance meter to roughly agree with your capacitor before you can make any sense from the output of your tester.

Do you understand why I said the test with the 10,000μF capacitor was invalid? And why this one is too?
Well, that's invalid too! Your capacitance meter is on the 2000μF range, so either that's a faulty capacitor or your meter does strange things when over range.
There is no 2000uF range.
The range is 10000 uF.
The small division is 200uF.
Why not use a single diode in each direction?
Yes.2 diode in parallel.
Protection (2).jpg
Small capacitors.
Scale 1000pF.
Capacitor 1000pF 5%.
Scale 0,1uF.
Capacitor 0,014uF 0,5%.


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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
There is no range of 2000uF and can not be.

FFS! Look at this post (the second image).

We will use only the 0-10v scale of the Chinese tester. This has nothing to do with the 9v power supply.

It has everything to do with your 9V power supply. How can you call it a (say) 1000μF range when the absolute highest it can read is 900μF?
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I no longer know how to explain to you.
Look here. Capacitor 680uF.
We select the range 1000uF.
We measure the capacitance-690uF.
We select the range of 10000uF. If the tester works correctly, there should be a multiplicity of measurements on all ranges.
We measure the capacitance-690uF.


  • Capacitor 690uF.jpg
    Capacitor 690uF.jpg
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
First issue: I'm talking about your other capacitance meter.

It shows you measuring a 4700uF capacitor on it's 20,000 uF range and reading 425uF on it's digital readout.

This cap must be faulty and isn't a good unit to use to compare with your meter.

Second issue: when set to your 1000uF range on your home built tester, the maximum it can measure is 900uF.

1000uF is the full scale for your voltmeter on the 10V range. It would be better to call it the x100uF range, since the output in volts, if multiplied by 100 is the capacitance in uF.

Why not have a higher supply voltage so it can output 10V (even better, 11V or 12V to give it some overhead)?
"It shows you measuring a 4700uF capacitor on it's 20,000 uF range and reading 425uF on it's digital readout."
This is a 3 1/2 capacitance meter. In the range of 20000uF, the reading is correct-4250uF.
"This cap must be faulty and isn't a good unit to use to compare with your meter."
No, this is a new capacitor.
"Second issue: when set to your 1000uF range on your home built tester, the maximum it can measure is 900uF."
No. It can measure 1000uF. Just that capacitor has a capacitance of 900uF.
"1000uF is the full scale for your voltmeter on the 10V range. It would be better to call it the x100uF range, since the output in volts, if multiplied by 100 is the capacitance in uF."
For this there is a switch 1uFx1000.
"Why not have a higher supply voltage so it can output 10V (even better, 11V or 12V to give it some overhead)?"
The circuit elements are designed to work correctly when powered 9v.


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    1000uF 50v.jpg
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Yes, I just marked the scale of 10v, so that it was clear on what scale the reading is going on. There are several scales.
The output of my tester is connected to the measuring part of the Chinese tester.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Well, that makes more sense. I had assumed you were using a multimeter.
Made new test leads.
A thin, flexible cable is connected to the tweezers. Now it is very convenient to work with one hand.
Large-sized film capacitors and smd capacitors are easily measured.


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Capacitor SMD 220uF.
Range 1000uF.
Film capacitor 1uF.
Range 1uF.
Bad capacitor 470uF 25v.
Range 100uF.


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    Capacitor SMD 220uF.jpg
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  • Film capacitor 1uF.jpg
    Film capacitor 1uF.jpg
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  • Bad capacitor 470uF 25v.jpg
    Bad capacitor 470uF 25v.jpg
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A 47uF 400v capacitor is connected in parallel to one of the windings of a pulse transformer. The inductance of this winding is 650uH.
The measurement result is completely correct-44uF.


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