Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Capacitor and fuse blown in audio amplifier (integrated in active speaker)


Sadly passed away in 2015
I would replace them all, in both channels, but they're probably not the only semiconductors that are damaged. Normally when these amplifiers fail like this, ALL of the semiconductors in the output stage are damaged.

And replacing them doesn't necessarily fix the problem - it could have been caused by failure of a different component. How badly do you want to fix this amplifier? Because it's probably quicker, cheaper, and better to replace it with a couple of modern IC-based amplifier modules.

I would avoid buying them through eBay. Component counterfeiting is not uncommon. Even if the parts look genuine, they may not be. I would buy through a reputable company like Digikey, Mouser, Newark, Farnell/Element 14 etc.

It would help if you put your location in your profile so we know which store(s) to recommend.
Fixing this is not terribly important. I considered it more of a project/learning experience. Well... I actually started out just checking out the fuses. Using the speaker cabinet and input module and replacing the amplifier sounds interesting though.

Im located in malmo, sweden. Sorry about that


Sadly passed away in 2015
OK. A good starting point would be a Google search for power amp module. You could add kitset to those search terms if you want to build it yourself. I found an image search was helpful as well, but I guess you need to know what you're looking for. You should be able to find a suitable product made in Sweden.