Maker Pro

Capacitance LCD Readout

I have been doing some studying and think I have figured out how to get this thing to do what I want. I will however, have to wait for my new lcd to arrive. You must not apply 12 volts to a 1602 lcd...EVER!
I worked on my sketch a little today and think it looks good. However, I don't have a 1602 lcd to test this out. I left the serial output in the sketch to be able to view it on the serial monitor.

I would like someone to download this sketch and try it out if you have time. I would appreciate it. But first, please review it and let me know if there is anything that can be done differently or if anything is wrong with it.

I will be doing a Fritzing project to go along with this soon.


  • Capacitor_Tester_-_Parallel_LCD_Output.ino.ino
    2.5 KB · Views: 126
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I have updated the Arduino sketch. There were some errors I found. The sketch now compiles with no errors.
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I have an I2C version of this display and am working on getting the code to work with it. I should have it working soon.
Here's the I2C version of the sketch. I have commented out the parts that relate to the serial LCD. I'm sure that if using a parallel display, the sketch would work fine. Just comment out the I2C parts and uncomment the serial LCD. Serial monitor also works along with LCD output. I got errors compiling while they were both listed.

I had tried to use my Mega but the readings were way off. I installed a 1uF cap and got 4uF. A 22uF read at 75uF. It reads pretty close on my UNO. However, I am not sure I can fully trust the readings. Any ideas???



  • Capacitor_Tester_-_LCD_Output_I2C.ino
    3.1 KB · Views: 120
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bigone5500 updated Capacitance LCD Readout

I am attempting to use a project I found on Instructibles and integrate an LCD1602 to display results. This will eliminate the need for the serial monitor.

I am still in the learning stages of figuring out the code. This will be an on going project. I will contribute to it as I can.

I finally am understanding the arduino code a bit better. I have studied both serial and I2C versions of other sketches to see what differences there were and applied them to mine. The sketch I have attached in the thread is easily modified to accommodate both I2C and serial versions of the LCD1602.

To use either display, comment out which ever one that you are not using. I am using I2C so I commented out the other. Be sure to change the code to reflect the address of your display. Mine here was 0x27.

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);
//LiquidCrystal lcd(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7); // Creates an LCD object. Arduino pins are connected to: rs, enable, D4, D5, D6, D7 respectively.

This is another line I had to comment out. I got the error no matching function for call to 'LiquidCrystal_I2C::begin(int, int)' when compiling. If you plan on using the parallel version of the 1602, then uncomment this line.

//  lcd.begin(16,2);

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