Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Can't turn Closed Captioning off, RCA CTC177



I would appreciate responses from techs familiar with this chassis.

I did the usual tuner ground work and went into service mode and
adjusted some tuner parameters (they were way off). Now everything is
fine but I can't turn the CC feature off. I noticed that this feature
does not appear in the first menu (yellow). This section of menues has
been chopped off and I can't access the CC feature. I know the eeprom
can cause lots of weird stuff in this chassis, so could this also be
eeprom related - or does it appear more of a micro issue ? Many thanks.



It's definitely eeprom; it's corrupted in the masked areas as well as
the parameters you were able to adjust. Reflashing the prom with CC
is the best way to fix this and other problems in the eeprom you may
not know about. The other way is to hot swap the prom when using a
prom with the CC function. There is a procedure on this ngs FAQ about
restoring audio, but the idea is the same.



Thank you so much John for the response. I had a feeling that was the
case but was not 100% sure.
