Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Cant reply ??

Hi Guys.

Firstly, introductions.

Me - 44 year IT Engineer. THat's 44 years WORKING.

I repair pretty much anything I find broken. Great challenge. All stuff I fix has ben deemed unrepairable by thos ethat get paid to fix it.

I just repaired (sort of...) my Mother-In-law's Bamix blender.
I wanted to thank the guy who posted the trick to removing the bottom flange, on here, but alas! I cant reply??



Hi Jeff

welcome to the forums :)

that's other forum place you mentioned for this mixer repair appears to be in the
newsgroups section and dated way back in 2006

being so old those people may not event be around anymore, so don't panic too much

But if you want to post in here the trick you found that would be cool :)
and I will move that bit off to the forum repair section
