Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Can You Soft Start 6 Volt LED Lights???

I am not an instrument Tech guy so please use the K.I.S.S. system (Keep It Simple Stupid) for me. :eek:
I do work with some guys that are familiar with some of the terms but a little to difficult for them to figure out themselves.

What I am doing is trying to set up a 6 volt LED light system that will consist of a PIR for the motion pickup. I'm hoping it can come on from 0 watts to the max watts with a slow increase say 15 or 20 seconds or even longer.

Is this possible and if so what and where could I possibly find these parts.


Harald Kapp

Welcome aboard, Kerticks.

Answer 1: Yes that is possible.
Answer 2: You getthe parts at any electronicsstore once you know how you are going to solve the task.
Answer 3 (although the question wasn't asked): There are many different possibilities ranging from a simple analog circuit to a simple microcontroller circuit. Typically LEDs are dimmed using PWM (pulse width modulation).

What wattage are we talking about? DO you want to build the LED controller yourself or do you prefer buing an off the shelf controller?