Rich Webb
I think you're right. ATmega8. For about the price of a Six Dollar
Burger at Carl's.
Also strongly recommend that you consider getting Atmel's AVRISP
programmer. When you're just starting out there are SO many things that
could go wrong it's comforting to have confidence that the programmer
and its driver (AVR Studio) are off-the-shelf parts and are blessed by
the manufacturer, and so therefore slightly less likely to be the source
of whichever problem is occurring.
For example, new ATmega8 chips come from the factory set to use the
internal RC oscillator. Odds are pretty good that you'll forget to burn
the fuse that switches the clock to use an external crystal or clock
generator [not that *I* have EVER forgotten to do that <grumble>] and
end up with a chip that kinda-sorta works but that won't talk to the PC.
Lots of other things can go wrong that cause similar symptoms. Do
yourself a favor and start off with one fewer ...