Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Can anyone help me identify these?

20191223_212647.jpg 20191223_212536.jpg
I put this post here cause these loooook like LEDa. However they don't light up and when I give power to them they provide power to the three LEDs you may see inside the circular holes on the circuit board. But they really look like LEDs. If you look closely they have a dome of clear plastic on the side pointing towards the edge of the circuit board and some of those domes are black plastic. What are these?
I accidentally ripped some off and thought maybe they were wired in series so yes, I did try connecting the terminals of the missing LEDs.
Ahem.... what MAY have happened was they were powered incorectly due to whatever damage killed the printer they came out of.... That's more likely because that obeys the laws of physics. Also, blown LEDs wouldn't conduct the electricity along the same to those other LEDs. Still, seems blown is the most logical. So, what are the black lenses for? IR LEDs?
Sir Pharaday . . . .

What the HEY ! . . .is this circuit board resting on the face of a YETI ? or some coarse haired animal body / rug ?

And its assumedly just a random, totally unknown board / item . . .like you usually come up with.
Final . . .Added on addenda . . .just then caught the " the printer they came out of "
VIEWING . . . .
I am seeing PD1 thru PD11 on two different angular planes of the board. I am suspecting them as INDIVIDUAL Photo Diodes and potentially IR units with consideration of the coloring of the lenses to filter out daylight and ambient room lighting. The two ORANGE marked units being missing units .
Now for the different family of The three mentioned VISIBLE ? CREE like units, I have circled in RED . . .what color is being emitted by them ?

On the other side of the board DS101 thru DS109 are used in the same offset angular planes ( two directions) .
You have a PINK unit missing . I would suspicion that these would be visible units, since IR emitting and receiving units tend to be what seems to be DARK tinted .

If you observe the isolated units within the VIOLET rectangle in the frontal foreground, seems like 3 units are involved in a cluster, leaving a possibility of two other clusters of 3 units.
On the DS104-105-106 a common foil trace feeds to the anodes of all 3 of those diodes.
DS106 cathode feeds to a foil path that routes to the left and goes up the board.
DS104 cathode feeds to a foil path that routes to the right and goes up the board on the other side.
DS105 cathode feeds to a foil path that routes a short distance down and to the right and dissapears into a micro feed-thru via to finish its path on the other side of the board. . . .destination unconfirmable . . .by my limited view. Vias might also be involved with the cathodes of the units above and below ?

If being my nut to crack . . . .


Get 5VDC or 3 dry cells wired in series to get 4.5 VDC, connect leads and the positive lead receives 330-470 ohm resistor to be able to current limit and safely test all of your INDIVIDUAL LED's with the other free end of that resistor lead..

Go to the common buss connecting the DS104-5-6 ANODES and connect the free lead of the just mentioned resistor used with the batterys + lead .
Place the free lead coming from the battery neg to a LED CATHODE that is to be tested.
Does it light ? if not, just lift and walk the neg lead between the other two LEDS to see if they light.
If no luck on all 3, connect a meter to the neg battery connection and to the output lead of the resistor to measure / maintain voltage monitoring and expect the full battery voltage, since there is initially being no loading.
Then you connect up to the LED, just as was done before, to see if the now monitored battery voltage reads the same OR if it drops down to the forward voltage of a conducting LED. (Yaaaaaaaay )
If it is conducting, time to call in a cell phone or video camera to observe the image of the LED lens for its emitting infrared, INSTEAD of visible light.
OR if its ultraviolet, you can usually visually see it in the dark . . . . or put a teaspoon of dry granular TIDE in front of its beam and stand back . . .waaaaaaay back .

ONLY A QUERY . . . . .

As you can work around / or repair it, but the PALE BLUE top inset seems to show the boards top left corners FR4 materiel , having been subjected to the full impact of a 6 ft eleventeen and 59/64th in fall to a concrete surface.
Likely . . . . leaving open foil paths at the YELLOW line markups.

Lastly, do we have something being within the bottom right corners GREEN circle ?

Thaaaaaaasssssit . . . . .

73's de Edd . . . . .

A real poser question . . . . . .do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery ?..

lol yea that's my German shepherd. I use her head as a display stand.

ok WHOA I thought we just had another "they're LEDs. You blew them." situation. Lemme rest up and I'll go through that process and give you the results.
