Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Can anybody help me?

ashique there are heaps of websites that show the basics, thousands of books ("Art of Electronics" was recommended to me) and then whenever you get stuck on something there is a great part of this site labelled "homework" so if you want to know how to figure something out they will show you. hope that helps.

Also my start into electronics was with a kit that is still available, it has springs to hook up the wire, so no soldering, and had 200 different electronic circuits that you could make. it was a very basic start but a valuable lesson


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
There's a free introductory course that MIT does over the web. Bit sure if you can still enrol, but it will give you a flavour for what goes on and the cost is right!

Even if you can't enrol, they have lots of material on their web site. The course is 6.002x