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Maker Pro

Can a low side driver control three N-type MOSFETs connected in series?

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it would be seen that even though the (now 5 ) MOSFET Drains were connected to 12 VDC,
How can they all be connected to 12VDC if they are stacked in a totem-pole configuration? Post a sketch of the arrangement.
Have you actually breadboarded the arrangement?
From the circuit ground, the first 4 MOSFETs can be connected, in totem; with a common 12 VDC potentnial at each Drain.
All 5 MOSFETs can be connected to MOSFET driver driven 12 V signals at their Gates.
Remember, although MOSFET #5 has 37 VDC connected to it's, the circuit ground has to be connected to it's Source through the lower 4 MOSFETs before it conducts.
In essence, the bottom MOSFETs are just 4 totem / series switches that connects the circuit ground to the Source of MOSFET #5 so that it can complete the circuit == just like single MOSFET would..
This is the reason for the driver question.
the first 4 MOSFETs can be connected, in totem; with a common 12 VDC potentnial at each Drain.
That is inconsistent. The common 12VDC implies the 4 drains are connected together; which is not a totem arrangement.
12V relative to what? Are the FET sources floating?
Have you actually breadboarded the arrangement? If not, why not? It would be quicker than posting questions on a forum. If you have, what was the result?
That is inconsistent. The common 12VDC implies the 4 drains are connected together; which is not a totem arrangement.
12V relative to what? Are the FET sources floating?
Have you actually breadboarded the arrangement? If not, why not? It would be quicker than posting questions on a forum. If you have, what was the result?
You are correct, and the only one that found it. I stated that the MOSFET drains would required 12 VDC -- they don't. I stated that to see if there was someone that was reading what I was presenting.
I have subsequently found the information that I was looking for on a MOSFET manufacturer's website and I thank you for your responces.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I stated that to see if there was someone that was reading what I was presenting.

We were all reading that, and that's why we kept asking for a schematic to see what the hell you meant.

If you weren't such a nice fellow I'd call shenanigans on you (and we'd all come out with our brooms). We would be very pleased if you can post a link to that information. It might reveal a bit more of what you actually meant.
I would appreciate an apology from you for wasting my time by describing a circuit which you do not have. Alec_t has been very patient, I admire his attempts to get some sense out of you.
I would appreciate an apology from you for wasting my time by describing a circuit which you do not have. Alec_t has been very patient, I admire his attempts to get some sense out of you.
To Duke 37,
Excuse me!
First point -- your arrogant supposition that I am "...describing a circuit that I do not have..." is totally baseless. You don't know what I have already produced. You don't have the slightest clue about what I have or don't have.
I submitted my original question as an honest "thought in process" question in that I initially thought that all of the totem pole MOSFETs had to be opened in unison in order to obtain the operating condition that I already realized had to be achieved..
Over time, as I researched the situation further, and realized that there was a good chance that the MOSFETs could be switched on sequentially. It was a question concerning "how to get from A to Z".
I have now found written proof backing up the way to achieve the result needed on the Net, but my earlier postings were still on this forum..
My process over 55 years of working in the field of electronics and electric power generation, has been to first "think through" the problem before spending time on drawing up a schematic.
One person on this forum recognized the situation with the 12 VDC connections, and I acknowledged that the need for the connections were no longer required.
To all of you that thought you were being funny with your comments concerning "free energy" -- those comments only demonstrate just how far behind and out of touch with the present level of research concerning electrical power generation you obviously are.
True researchers, like myself, have to take the position that websites like this one are for everyone -- not just those that adhere to out-of-date understandings, posting ridicule instead of possible help. and acting like a bunch of old, out of date, hacks, resting on our past accomplishments.
True researchers, like myself, also believe that when a question is offered instead of a schematic for examination -- it should be honestly addressed as offered, because there just might be a reason for that -- like another successful patent filing in my case..
So duke 37-- do I owe you anything, along with the other few that offered less than honest help -- not only no, but to use your seemingly "acceptable vernacular" -- hell no.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
When I used the term shenanigans in a previous post, I actually meant an 8 letter word starting with "bulls" and ending with "hit".

And by now I think we'll all agree this thread has gone on long enough.
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