Maker Pro
Maker Pro

C- reading in a character

Hey all,

I'm working on a lab for programming and have run into a hiccup. Below is a sample of my code (edited for clarity):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char d;

int main (void)
printf("*\t\tCharacter Arithmetic\n");
printf("* Please select one of the following options\n");
printf("* Followed by the proper response\n");
printf("* Functions:\n");
printf("* a. isDigit\n");
printf("* b. isLetter\n");
printf("* c. toUpper\n");
printf("* d. toLower\n");
printf("* q. Quit\n");
printf(" CHOOSE A FUNCTION: ");
char f=getchar();
system ("cls");

switch (f)
case 'a':
printf("Please enter a digit:");
scanf("%c", &d);
printf("you entered %c", d);

my problem is that after i choose my function, in this example 'a', my program doesnt wait for me to enter a digit, it skips the scanf command and just jumps straight to the second printf statement in my switch statement.

any guidance would be appreciated
okay so i scanned in the character 'd' as a integer (%d) instead of %c, and its somewhat working, any reasoning behind this?
