Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Building an interlock device for DUI parolee.


Fred Bloggs

John said:
The situation surrounding a drunk whose car jumps a median and kills
someone because of his lack of ability to control his vehicle should
be dealt with much differently than someone whose car jumps a median
and kills someone because of, say, a blowout.

-not if that "blowout" was caused by a sorely worn out tire that the
owner should have been aware of. It all boils down to negligence- the
alcohol thing is largely an artificial crusade to get people excited,
and the facts are that DUI does not necessarily apply to alcohol- it can
be any drug- and now that the data is coming in, it is known that far
more people are impaired because of prescription drugs than alcohol.
There are bunches of people who are too irresponsible or stupid to be
allowed to drive- their permits should be revoked for life the first
time they cause a major pileup that cost several hundred thousand
dollars to repair and wastes maybe 10,000 man hours of people idling in
traffic. Alcohol related anything has always been a target of the
evangelical riffraff and that is the crux of it- they are perfect swine
from hell.

John Fields

-not if that "blowout" was caused by a sorely worn out tire that the
owner should have been aware of.

Yes, of course.
It all boils down to negligence-

Yes, but the reason for the negligence, IMO, is the abrogation of
responsibility. For _any_ reason
alcohol thing is largely an artificial crusade to get people excited,
and the facts are that DUI does not necessarily apply to alcohol- it can
be any drug- and now that the data is coming in, it is known that far
more people are impaired because of prescription drugs than alcohol.
There are bunches of people who are too irresponsible or stupid to be
allowed to drive- their permits should be revoked for life the first
time they cause a major pileup that cost several hundred thousand
dollars to repair and wastes maybe 10,000 man hours of people idling in
traffic. Alcohol related anything has always been a target of the
evangelical riffraff and that is the crux of it- they are perfect swine
from hell.

Rather imperfect, I'd say!^)

I don't think it's so much alcohol related anything as it is
_pleasure_ related anything. But only as long as it doesn't apply to

Bob Monsen

Richard said:
Feh. The religion of antismokerism.

If 400,000 people are killed every year by smoking, then obviously
the other 2,500,000 people killed every year are killed by NON-SMOKING!


Check the statistics!


Actually, the most dangerous thing you can do is to be born. It turns
out that numerous independent studies have shown that 100% of the people
who are born die at some point in the future.

The thing I like about smokers is that we can tax them without their
being able to do anything about it. It's a democracy, so since us
non-smokers are a large majority, we win. As a democrat, I'm usually on
the other side of that particular equation. They also can't easily quit,
so the rest of us take advantage of it like drug pushers, raising the
prices they pay for their drug with taxes, and then, in a brilliantly
sadistic stroke, use that tax money to advertise against smoking.

Bob Monsen

In <[email protected]>, on 04/21/05

That number is way too low. Its more like 40%, not 20%. I missed the OP with the URL, but the usual google search comes up with a lot of sites that all hang right around 40%.

Figures don't lie, but liars can sure figure......

Lies, Damned Lies, and then Statistics...
Even beyond the fatalities, we ought not pass over the percentage of total accidents caused by alchohol, and you are right, we should be paying attention to ALL the causes as well.

There is probably a whole thread just waiting to be born that considers fatalities, and matches them up with who the victims are :) If a person drives stupid and kills himself, that's one less person who is a threat to me, but if it happens that an impaired driver more often seems to injure or kill another, I would be concerned with that statistic more than others. If you want to kill yourself, be my guest. I just would prefer it if you didn't take me with you.....


Here is the footnote on that 20% figure from the web page I posted:

"1. Ross. H. L. Confronting Drunk Driving: Social Policy for Saving
Lives. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1992, pp. 35-38;
Reed, D. S. Reducing the costs of drinking-driving. In: Moore, M. H.,
and Gerstein, D. R. (eds.) Alcohol and Public Policy: Beyond the Shadow
of Prohibition. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1981. Pp.
336-387; Hanson, D. J. Preventing Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol, Culture, and
Control. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1995, p. 31."

Here is the URL again for your reading displeasure:


In <[email protected]>, on 04/21/05
at 07:46 AM, John Woodgate <[email protected]> said:

Interestingly there is only the little check off on the accident
report form to establish the statistic, and almost never any
verification. A neighbor of mine is a police officer, he said
that the rule is that in any MVA where there was no clear
indication of a cause, check the "Alcohol involved" box. So the
statistics are in error by the instructions of the police in many
areas. In one case a man was involved in a single car fatal
accident. His insurance would only pay if alcohol was not
involved. The box was checked and it took his widow eleven years
to collect her due, since the Police following their instructions
said that in any single car accident at night was always to be
checked as "alcohol involved."

"There are Liars, Damn Liars, and Statistics."

BTW: if the over 65 death rate could be brought down it would
show a greater improvement! Work on that!

Rich The Newsgropup Wacko

Grise is our resident village idiot. (My spell checker just suggested
substituting Grime for Grise... how appropriate :)

I read in that Jim Thompson
My most base personality disorder is that I like to push people's
buttons ;-)

So, you like to push people's buttons, while you hurl personal insults,
is that accurate?

Well, I tell ya what, frat boy. You better hold on to your socks, 'cuz
you ain't seen nothin' yet.

You think Steve Walz can flame?

I've tried twice to make peace with you, you arrogant waste of human
flesh, but you're "too good" for the likes of _me_.

It's odd that a draft-dodger is now such a warloving nazi.

When were you in the service? Oh - that's right - you dodged the draft
by having Daddy buy you a ticket to MIT.

And I take back my apology for my remark about whoring out your daughters -
everyone knows that in the eyes of Repugs, women are just property.

You must be orgasming watching the appointment of your new God, Pope
Adolph, the other Hitlerjugend.

Feh, Don't get me started.

Rich The Newsgropup Wacko

I don't think it's so much alcohol related anything as it is
_pleasure_ related anything. But only as long as it doesn't apply to

Yeah - I've heard that a Puritan is a guy who's terrified that someone,
somewhere, is having a good time.
"I'm Jewish. Count Basie's Jewish. Ray Charles is Jewish. Eddie Cantor's
goyish. The B'nai Brith is goyish. The Hadassah is Jewish. Marine Corps
-- heavy goyish, dangerous. Kool-Aid is goyish. All Drake's Cakes are
goyish. Pumpernickel is Jewish and, as you know, white bread is very
goyish. Instant potatoes -- goyish. Black cherry soda's very Jewish.
Macaroons are very Jewish. Fruit salad is Jewish. Lime Jell-O is goyish.
Lime soda is very goyish. Trailer parks are so goyish that Jews won't go
near them." -- Lenny Bruce

Bob Monsen

Clarence_A said:
fatalities in the

Interestingly there is only the little check off on the accident
report form to establish the statistic, and almost never any
verification. A neighbor of mine is a police officer, he said
that the rule is that in any MVA where there was no clear
indication of a cause, check the "Alcohol involved" box. So the
statistics are in error by the instructions of the police in many
areas. In one case a man was involved in a single car fatal
accident. His insurance would only pay if alcohol was not
involved. The box was checked and it took his widow eleven years
to collect her due, since the Police following their instructions
said that in any single car accident at night was always to be
checked as "alcohol involved."

Do you think the cops are out to stop you from drinking? Perhaps it's a
conspiracy! I'll buy that. A friend's brother's girlfriends' hairdresser
once said that all cops are liars, and I'm now starting to believe it,
based on the testimony of your cop friend. Why else would they make up
those alcohol statistics? Of course, if your friend is a cop, he fits
into that category too, so perhaps it's not true that they make up those
statistics. Perhaps they are really telling the truth? Hard to say from
the evidence. Perhaps we need help on this from alt.conspiracy.
"There are Liars, Damn Liars, and Statistics."

"Everybody lies, but it's not important, because nobody listens"
Nick Daimos
BTW: if the over 65 death rate could be brought down it would
show a greater improvement! Work on that!

Are you over 65?

Bob Monsen

Rich said:
I read in that Jim Thompson

So, you like to push people's buttons, while you hurl personal insults,
is that accurate?

Well, I tell ya what, frat boy. You better hold on to your socks, 'cuz
you ain't seen nothin' yet.

You think Steve Walz can flame?

I've tried twice to make peace with you, you arrogant waste of human
flesh, but you're "too good" for the likes of _me_.

It's odd that a draft-dodger is now such a warloving nazi.

When were you in the service? Oh - that's right - you dodged the draft
by having Daddy buy you a ticket to MIT.

And I take back my apology for my remark about whoring out your daughters -
everyone knows that in the eyes of Repugs, women are just property.

You must be orgasming watching the appointment of your new God, Pope
Adolph, the other Hitlerjugend.

Feh, Don't get me started.

Pissing into the wind. He wasn't listening till now (unless my recent
fistfight on bush in florida got him to plonk me too ;)

Repuglicans? Hmmm. That isn't bad.

Tom MacIntyre

Yeah - I've heard that a Puritan is a guy who's terrified that someone,
somewhere, is having a good time.

You may want to consider a respelling of your new 'nym. :)


Fred Abse

you have to do it at random times while driving, otherwise
your car shuts off

That should be fun for the guy in the eighteen-wheeler behind.

John Woodgate

I read in that Fred Abse
That should be fun for the guy in the eighteen-wheeler behind.

It might make him back of as far as 18 inches from your tailgate.