Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Broken Project Kit Amp Circuit (Blown Capacitor) Repair tips

Hi, new to the forums.

In an embarrassing concentration lapse, I blew an electrolytic capacitor (reversed supply voltage) on a small, simple bridged amp circuit I have, and I'm just wondering, which other components might need replacing? I replaced the blown one but to no avail - the circuit still won't work.

The circuit in question is based on two TDA2003 ICs - will they also be damaged?

Sorry if these are pretty basic questions, I'm only an electronics enthusiast at best, and while I have a few years repairing and modifying a myriad of devices, my research on testing the circuit has brought up conflicting results, so I figured I'd ask about how to proceed.

Any responses greatly appreciated!!! :)
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Did you connect the capacitor the wrong way, or the bridge rectifier.

If the former, then maybe only the capacitor requires replacement.

If the latter, you may well have destroyed semiconductors in the circuit.
Wow, thanks for the quick responses! I love this place already :p

I soldered the two wires from my...

EDIT: Sorry steve, forgot to specify, I was using an external power supply for the whole thing that was accidentally connected backwards


As for the ICs, I suspected as much.

The circuit only consists of electrolytic capacitors, polyester capacitors, the two TDA2003 ICs and resistors, so is it wrong to assume it's likely just the electrolytic capacitors and ICs that are damaged (since they are the only polarised components)?
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
That's a reasonable conclusion.

If any resistors failed you would probably see some charring
Thanks, good to know I was on the right track.

That's helped me narrow down which components I'll need to replace.

This is a cool forum. Been ages since I got on a good forum. I'll check around and see if there's any posts where I might be able to chip in. I know there's a couple more projects I'd love to share too.