Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Brinks & Broadview Takeovers


G. Morgan

For what it costs for one of these diverters, why not just spend the
money towards the panel kit of your choice? Most kits are under $119
these days, if not less.

My point exactly.


G. Morgan said:
My point exactly.

I think most of us would replace the panel and keypad, but the internet
companies that offer low cost monitoring would probably have a use for the
diverters either to save having to pay for a service call or because they
just don't have the ability to provide local service calls. I don't think
they are interested in anything other than signing the customer up, for that
they can just mail a diverter to the customer and be done with it.


G. Morgan

I think most of us would replace the panel and keypad, but the internet
companies that offer low cost monitoring would probably have a use for the
diverters either to save having to pay for a service call or because they
just don't have the ability to provide local service calls. I don't think
they are interested in anything other than signing the customer up, for that
they can just mail a diverter to the customer and be done with it.

I didn't even click the links. If that's what their doing, it's scary. I
can't imagine monitoring a system without sending out someone to certify it

Jim Rojas

Robert said:
I wonder if you simply took a fresh board and gave it a specific lockout
code, could you not then search the chip for that code? Presumably,
like most other panel manufacturers, they use "little endian"
formatting, but I imagine it should be simple to create a lknown code
and, once you locate it, read any lockout code from any board of that
model. Is there some reason you can't do it that way?

DSC now uses some type of algorithm with their panels. The firmware chip
also has a built in eprom which generates a code, which then must match
the code stored in the eprom used to store the data. I haven't had time
to play with it, but I am sure we will figure it out soon enough.

The manufacturer will never do something that will also prevent
themselves from accessing a locked panel.

It's not rocket science.

Jim Rojas


tourman said:
There are
literally dozens of new firms just in our city in the last several
years, most of whom feel they can only succeed by steep discounting of
everything. As we all know, this cheapens the market for everyone. The
problem has become much worse with the downturn of the economy, with
everyone looking for the cheapest pricing, and the lowest monitoring
rate possible. At $15 monthly, I used to catch crap from other dealers
over my pricing. Now it is only "middle of the road"..!

Do you not see the irony in your comments ?, when you originally priced your
services at $15/month other dealers apparently gave you crap for
discounting. Rightly or wrongly they probably put you in the category of
those who "feel they can only succeed by steep discounting".

You may provide a superior service at a lower price, I don't know, but what
I do know is that a percentage of your customers came to you not because of
your service, but because of your lower prices.

Other dealers apparently followed suit and lowered prices with the result
that the market in your area has now been cheapened for everyone.

Despite the fact that you may offer better service, you have contributed to
the lowering of prices in your area by pricing your services lower than the
going rate, and as such you should be one of the last to complain about the
"cheapening of the market" or about those looking for the lowest rate



tourman said:
So, yes, in that sense I contributed to the lowering of prices, but
things have since gone from the sublime to the ridiculous. Many
companies charge $12 full service all the way down to $9 no service. I
know that they are not making money overall, unless my previous rate
calculations were way off.

I don't know what the average rate was in your area when you were a newcomer
to the alarm business and priced your service at $15 full service, but if
the average rate was $25 then you priced yourself 40% below your
competitors. If the average rate was $20 then you priced yourself 25% below
the competition.

If the rate you charge is still only $15 for full service, then a newcomer
charging $12 for full service is only undercutting you by 20%.

I'm sorry but I fail to see any logic to your position that things have gone
from the sublime to the ridiculous, you apparently entered the game at
between 25% to 40% below your competitors and now are unhappy when others
are entering at 20% below your price.


G. Morgan

I sure don't want to own this horse, and I've beaten it enough, so
fair enough, and to keep peace in the newsgroup,I'll drop
it....................for now.....

Keep beating it, it's a valid discussion.

G. Morgan

I didn't think you intended to start trouble. We have one opinion. Jim has
another. 'Nuff said?

No, not enough said. What would you consider "long term"? A company can only
prove it's resale value with the contracts. Why would a prospective account
buyer snap up contracts that are only month 2 month?


I don't know what the average rate was in your area when you were a
to the alarm business and priced your service at $15 full service, but if
the average rate was $25 then you priced yourself 40% below your
competitors. If the average rate was $20 then you priced yourself 25%
the competition.

If the rate you charge is still only $15 for full service, then a newcomer
charging $12 for full service is only undercutting you by 20%.

I'm sorry but I fail to see any logic to your position that things have
from the sublime to the ridiculous, you apparently entered the game at
between 25% to 40% below your competitors and now are unhappy when others
are entering at 20% below your price.

RHC: No....I'm unhappy about the newcomers who don't do good work
whatever they charge, $12 OR $25.. Bottom line, the super discounters
don't affect me much if at all. You've missed the point of this
discussion. When the price gets too low, with people scrambling to get
accounts at any cost, that's the start of a downhill slide in the

Who decides the point when the start of the downhill slide began, did it
start when you undercut the competition by 40% by pricing your service at
$15 or did it start when others undercut you by 20% at $12.

In the same vein, what exactly constitutes a "super discounter", someone
who enters the game at 40% under the going rate or someone who charges 20%
less than what you claim is the now going rate in your area.

You really can't contribute to the decline in prices and then lament the
fact that prices are now ridiculously low.

You now claim that it isn't the price, but the poor service that you are
unhappy with,well if that's the case why did you bring price into the
discussion, why not just bang on forever more about the newcomers that are
providing poor service.

As to me missing the point, if you ever get round to making one, I'll do my
best not to miss it.
