Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Bomarc schematic catalogs updated. 5/28/06


Catalogs have been finally updated, and cleaned up! Now dowloadable as
simple text files. Also some errant phone numbers (Thank the printer of
the document I had to work with!) have been fixed. Sorry for any
confusion and frustration this may have caused in the past.

URL is:

Who we are:

Our primary function is reverse engineering electronic devices under
contract for you, our customers. This is helpful in patent searches,
and patent violation avoidance, plus repair of unique, or special
devices. Including several beginner, simple circuits of interest (even
a few prank circuits). Look for the grab-bags on those!

We mainly carry schematics that SAM's doesn't carry.

Also, all our catalogs are available for free online. Of course, you
can still do
it that way, if you desire, but that takes 4 stamps.

You can also purchase Schematics online now, and we offer an e-mailing
service to overseas customers for those schematics!

Thanks for your time,
Whoops, bad paragraph in that message, should have read...

Also, all our catalogs are available for free online. Of course, you
can still do
it THE OLD WAY, if you desire, but that takes 4 stamps.
Excuse me good sir,

But I did manually post generally the same message to all the groups it
was put in.
I put it only in PERTINENT groups.
And I am checking for replies.

I find it offensive you would call this spamming. It's an ad, and the
last time I put up ads, was over 6 months ago, also, the catalogs we
have were just updated on the site. You will also note that it was just
posted once, and with a correction due to my bad grammar in the first
post. Yes, I might have posted them by copy and paste, but in no way
was this untargeted.

Please retract your cruel statement.

Zaphod (Websmith of )


I put it only in PERTINENT groups.
....many of which DO NOT welcome ads.
e.g., Commercial advertisement on sci.electronics.basics is spam:"

In addition, MULTI-POSTING (not cross-posting)
is a spammer's technique.
I find it offensive you would call this spamming.
Your problem, not mine.
It's an ad, and the last time I put up ads, were spamming.
If you actually PARTICIPATED in the group on a regular basis,
some might see that as *mitigating* your spamming.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-PLASTER-*-*
Please retract your cruel statement.
Don't hold your breath on that.
In the greater scheme of things,
your multitude of posts may be only be marginally offensive spam;
it may be useful spam to some;
it is nonetheless SPAM.
If the truth hurts, don't blame the messenger.

Rich Webb

Excuse me good sir,

But I did manually post generally the same message to all the groups it
was put in.

Got to agree with JeffM on this one:

If you feel you absolutely must post to multiple groups, rather than
posting individually to each group, instead do a cross-post AND ALSO
set one group as a "Followup-To" group. It's simply more polite to do
it that way.
I put it only in PERTINENT groups.
And I am checking for replies.

I find it offensive you would call this spamming. It's an ad,

The generally accepted practice is to include a prefix. Again, it's just
being polite. Common ones you'll see around here include [OT] off-topic,
[FS] for sale (typically one-off items offered by individuals), and
(applicable here) [ADV] for advertisements.

Michael Black

Rich said:
Excuse me good sir,

But I did manually post generally the same message to all the groups it
was put in.

Got to agree with JeffM on this one:

If you feel you absolutely must post to multiple groups, rather than
posting individually to each group, instead do a cross-post AND ALSO
set one group as a "Followup-To" group. It's simply more polite to do
it that way.
I put it only in PERTINENT groups.
And I am checking for replies.

I find it offensive you would call this spamming. It's an ad,

The generally accepted practice is to include a prefix. Again, it's just
being polite. Common ones you'll see around here include [OT] off-topic,
[FS] for sale (typically one-off items offered by individuals), and
(applicable here) [ADV] for advertisements.
Well know.

Once again, when the old sci.electronics was split back in 1995 a specific
newsgroup (albeit in a different hierachy) was created for buying and selling.
And, forsale posts (and I tend to put "advertising" in that category, after
all they are advertising something they are selling) are specifically
prohibited from the newsgroups in the sci.electronics.* hierarchy.

Read Mark Zenier's guide to the hierarchy
(He was the main guy behind the splitting of sci.electronics into
the current subgroups.)


Q. Are advertisements restricted to ONLY

A. That's the idea.

And for the original poster, it also covers the issue of cross-posting
(not a good idea unless you really really need it) and explicitly warns
against multiple posting.

None of this is really particular to the sci.electronics.* hierarchy.
Ads were generally prohibited by more overriding rules, so it didn't
need to be spelled out on a group by group basis. And no matter what
the group, cross-posting is a bad idea generally, though it is better
than multiple posting.

There was a time when newcomers would get material on this sort of thing
before they ventured out.



I did manually post generally the same message to all the groups
And I am checking for replies.
Zaphod (Websmith of )

If you actually PARTICIPATED in the groups that you spammed,*-*-*-*+qq-qq+adapt-your-own-*-accordingly
you would have learned what is acceptable--and what isn't.

Because your post is of *some* utility,
I didn'add SPAM to the Subject line of my response
as to alert readers that the thread contained such.*-*-filter-for-interesting-posts
(I have never seen [COMMERCIAL] used;
as Webb said, the gold standard is [ADV].)
:instead do a cross-post AND [unnecessary 2nd conjunction]
:set one group as a "Followup-To" group.
: Rich Webb
I could not disagree more strongly with the Followups-To: technique.
It gives the same results that multi-posting does:
Readers who view a post on a particular group
won't see ALL responses to that post

To me, the concept is SELFISH on the part of the OP
--and STUPID in general in that
there will probably be folks who post blindly
(resulting in multiple responses with duplicate content)
and in that errors in responses are less likely to be corrected.

John Fields

Excuse me good sir,

But I did manually post generally the same message to all the groups it
was put in.

How you posted isn't really germane, (although, as someone else
pointed out, multiposting is the method of choice for SPAMmers since
most ISPs have limits on the number of groups to which crossposts
may be sent) what determines whether your post was SPAM or not is
its _content_ and your _intent_ .
I put it only in PERTINENT groups.

No, you put it groups from which you thought responses might be
forthcoming. Groups where the material might be pertinent would be
those with .adv or like suffixes. That is, groups where
advertisements or groups with a want-ad like structure don't
consider ads to be off-topic and/or unwelcome.

This is sci.electronics.basics, a forum designed to allow novices to
ask all manner of questions, since on seb there is no such thing as
a stupid question, and for the discussion of basic topics in

As such, your post was SPAM, was off-topic, and was unwelcome.

If such had not been the case you wouldn't have received any
complaints. However, you did. That should have been a clue and, at
that point, you should have apologized for SPAMming the group
instead of trying to vindicate yourself with weak, irrelevant
And I am checking for replies.

What a strange thing to say!

Of course you are, since you're hoping to make some sales from your
SPAM. I'll bet you didn't expect the replies you've gotten so far,
though, did you?
I find it offensive you would call this spamming. It's an ad, and the
last time I put up ads, was over 6 months ago, also, the catalogs we
have were just updated on the site.

The only reason you find it offensive is because you'd like to
convince yourself and everyone else that what you're doing is
acceptable, and when you receive criticism because it isn't, it
perturbs your little world by making you realize that you're a

Interestingly, you so much as admit it by stating that what you
posted was an advertisement. Also, there is no statute of
limitations on SPAMming or intervals between SPAMs which makes
SPAMming acceptable.
You will also note that it was just
posted once, and with a correction due to my bad grammar in the first
post. Yes, I might have posted them by copy and paste, but in no way
was this untargeted.

Sjouke Burry

Excuse me good sir,

But I did manually post generally the same message to all the groups it
was put in.
I put it only in PERTINENT groups.
And I am checking for replies.

I find it offensive you would call this spamming. It's an ad, and the
last time I put up ads, was over 6 months ago, also, the catalogs we
have were just updated on the site. You will also note that it was just
posted once, and with a correction due to my bad grammar in the first
post. Yes, I might have posted them by copy and paste, but in no way
was this untargeted.

Please retract your cruel statement.

Zaphod (Websmith of )
Some other response: SPAM EQUALS UNWANTED ADS.
(or the other way around).
People dont want to read your shit in numerous
The way to hell is paved with "good" intentions.
I think YOU owe us an apology.


I retract what I said then, and shall unsubcrible from all
sci.electronics groups, including marketplace.

Thank you for your time.
