Maker Pro
Maker Pro

board listing

found a old board in junk box it has two designations that i cant find listed anywhere it is a old early transistor IC mix , does the designated CF mean anything to any one there are three different packages one looks like a tantalum cap but has three leads the next looks like a cap, the last one is a can with 5 leads the numbers on all are a dead end, the other is ICP and lost the darn thing but it was a ceramic about 3/16 wide and high by 7/16 long with axelial leads no nomculature on it. thought CF might mean choke filter till i found the 5 pin can.
don't want to indenfy the componets just was wondering what CF and IPC on the board means like Q means transistor and IC or U means intergrated circuit.will try a photo after i get them off the board the info on them leads me nowhere in fact out of the 15 or so componets with readable info none of them are indefiable
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who knows could mean anything
The manufacturer or their service manual would tell you

I have gear I service that has an IPC board in it, but I bet its totally different to yours

who knows could mean anything
The manufacturer or their service manual would tell you

I have gear I service that has an IPC board in it, but I bet its totally different to yours


yea as the ICP isent a board just a componet that looks like a minture wire wound ceramic resistor, its a old sharps tv from the early 90's being the frugle person i;m i scrap old boards and keep indifable componets but this one a lot of them that i belive that sharps made then selves or had them made to there specks.
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well found out what the CF means found another board with identical componet on it it was indentifyed as X101 so CF means crystal :)


or more specifically CF = Ceramic Filter :)

now if you have told us in your first post that it had X101 label on the board beside it
I could have told you that many posts ago ;)
