Maker Pro
Maker Pro

BiggIR SW vertical Antenna


Michael Holz

Wayne.B said:

Never buy anything on the internet from someone who can not spell or
proof read.


Doug Dotson

Would you like to clarify that comment?

Wayne.B said:

Never buy anything on the internet from someone who can not spell or
proof read.

Geoff Schultz


The web site for the antenna contained numerous spelling errors. To
me that is not the mark of a professional organization that I'd like
to do business with. Just my opinion of course, but I do a fair
amount of purchasing from internet web sites and quality of the
appearance is one of the criteria that I use when judging companies.

So if they wouldn't have mispelled "performace" and "lenght" and "stip"
(strip) would you have considered their product. No one ever said that
engineers could spell and they probably don't have the resources to hire an
expensive marketing firm. That doesn't mean that they don't have a good
product. While web site appearance is nice, anyone can put lipstick on a
pig, but it's still a pig.

-- Geoff

Geoff Schultz

I resemble that remark but I can proof read and spell check :)

OK, and what does that say about their long term staying power and
commitment in a competetive marketplace?

If you look at the rest of their web site you'd have seen that they have a
lot of other products and appear to have been around for quite a while.
It's not a very professional web site and its aimed at hams. I do agree
that running a spell checker is an easy thing to do. I think that you're
cutting yourself short if you base your purchasing criteria on web site
design and spelling.

I worked for Digital Equipment Corp of 14 years and I can remember
marketing turning out beautiful looking brochures with technical mistakes.
Back then I would I sworn to DEC's staying power, but now 20+ years later
we had DEC->Compaq->HP...

-- Geoff

Doug Dotson

It might turn out to be a great product IDEA but it takes a solid
organization to make it a truly great *product*.

Not necessarily.
That's true of course but when you are evaluating an untested company
and an untested product, you have to start somewhere.

It would appear that one would start by buying the product. Otherwise
there is no start of anything. As a co-owner of a small company, I resemble
the remark that a small company cannot produce a qualiy product.

s/v Callista

Geoff Schultz

Well, if you check now you'll find that the web site has been corrected.
Now what do you think? :)

-- Geoff

Doug Dotson

I suspect that a nice reminder that the website had errors would have
been better than questioning their product based upon a couple
of spelling errors.

I agree on your point below that a good website will help sell a
product. I don;t agree with the rest of your points.

s/v Callista