Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Best PV Book(s)?



I'm at the start of getting my act together to design and install an offgrid
system with PV and hydro or wind. What I need is the best book for learning
all the things I need to consider.

I'm a high tech type - have built my own PC's and radios but know zip about
PV. So what book(s) should I read?

George Ghio

Redmondite said:
I'm at the start of getting my act together to design and install an offgrid
system with PV and hydro or wind. What I need is the best book for learning
all the things I need to consider.

I'm a high tech type - have built my own PC's and radios but know zip about
PV. So what book(s) should I read?

Depends what you want. Rainbow Power's Energy From Nature is quite good.

Also I have a book on CD "Staring at the Sun"

Either one would provide the info to make a good start.

But then if you truly are high tech as you say you might look up
"Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies" at either "Swinbourne
Uni" or the "Brisbane Intitute of Tecnology"

This course is the full box and dice for renewable energy and you get a
degree for your trouble as well. This course is very good.


H. E. Taylor

I'm at the start of getting my act together to design and install an offgrid
system with PV and hydro or wind. What I need is the best book for learning
all the things I need to consider.

I'm a high tech type - have built my own PC's and radios but know zip about
PV. So what book(s) should I read?

You may find the PV FAQ of some use, specifically question #96B
96B) Are there any good books about PV?


"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday
is the hope of today and reality of tomorrow." - Robert Goddard

Energy Alternatives:
H.E. Taylor


The FAQ is interesting BUT the books that directly apply are ancient. In a
technology this new and fluid any book over 2 years old is out of date and
anything 5-10 years old is at best a historical document and at worst will
badly misguide you.


Personally I'd say forget books, and look at online communities such as this
one, or otherpower forum as
you get to hear real life experience. Homepower produce a free monthly
magazine thats great, Otherpower just has a bunch of folks that know how to
have fun making free energy. Either way, they're much more enjoyable :)
and up to date than books.


The best and most comprehensive introduction to the PV field that I've come
across is "Photovoltaic Systems Engineering" by Roger Messenger and Jerry
Published in 2000. ISBN 0-8493-2017-8 About 400 pgs.


Your comments are welcome but I personally have found that using a computer
to read this stuff is inefficient and actually slows things down. I get and
read Home Power but am looking for PRINTED information so I can read it
anywhere and scribble/highlight things. I could print out all the articles
but that ends up being more expensive and unwieldly than a bound book.

I think I'll suggest to HP that they offer everything in bound form as well.