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Ok i had no problems accessing the links, so i am at a bit of a loss as to why Richard cant access that one, i dont know how to alter it for it to work, so appolagies for that, as i say i can get in it, if i put a link up, copy paste, after finishing the post i click the link to see its working ok, but i dont know how to correct it.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Regarding that broken link... If you read back a few messages you'll find one that works.

I'm not sure if it was a problem in quoting the URL (others appear unaffected by quoting) or whether there was some odd cut and paste weirdness going on.

edit: I can reproduce this exact problem by highlighting the text in the message I want to quote, then using cut/paste to copy it to a new message. Using the quote button, then trimming what you don't want to quote will retain the URLs in their complete glory.
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Hi Steve.
Yes i see what your saying, i only copy and paste the address as it appears in my address bar, i dont alter any part of it, and before posting a link i check out it authenticity as best i can so its a safe link.

In my late start in life on the web ive learned a fare bit, i only used free anti virus and other protection at first in my first few months, a couple of trips to the pc shop to reinstall my OS, taught me the hard way, i could not keep running up the pc shop every five minutes, so i use a pay for total protection program, its worth it to save the grief of keep forking out cash, and the inconvenience of reinstalling all my programs.

So i always check a site before posting a link, what happened to the one above, and not being able to access it i am not really sure, i guessed it might be the site altering the address destination, as i say i am not really sure.
Dave. :)