Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Best book for beginners

I am new to electronics but have always loved them.
What is the BEST book I could read to learn electronics?

Thank you for your opinions!


hi there
weclome to the forums

ohhh gosh where does one start. ???!! :)

If you would like to combine reading with practical ... a good way to go.... you should visit your local hobbist electronics store. They have kitsets of components and a book to go with it that you can make many basic circuits and learn about their function.

Hi SentryP :)
Get the following books:
"The Art of Electronics" by Horowitz & Hill.
Any or all of Forest Mims' "Engineers Notebooks"
Databooks from the manufacturers, especially National Semiconductor.
If you're interested in the Black Art of radio, get the "ARRL Handbook".
There are good books on all sorts of specialised areas too.
Good Luck!


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Are there any locally (i.e. to your country) produced electronics magazines?