Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Beginner Circuit question

Hi I am new to electronics and have some questions about reading circuit diagrams. When I look at circuit diagrams I don't know which order the wires, resistors etc are supposed to join to the breadboard. Finding out what the symbols mean is easy enough, it's just the order I can't work out. Here is an example of a circuit I have tried to put together but it's not working-

2 led-flasher-555.gif

Can someone please explain to me how to read this diagram? I have looked all over the internet on reading diagrams but the information I have found has not been detailed enough. Or if there is a step by step guide somewhere on the internet that tells you how to put together a circuit by working off a schematic explaining why each step is done that way that would be ideal.Thanks.
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
What happens when you build it?

Does anything get hot?

Can you show us a picture of the breadboarded circuit?
If a circuit does not work, then an understanding of what it shoud do is necessary and then an investigation of what it does do may find the problem.

I have not used a 'breadboard' but I did nail some valve holders to a plank about 60 years ago to make a radio.

Voltage measurements on the circuit you have would give an indication of what is happening. Looking at the circuit, you have two leds in series with two resistors across the power supply. Even if the 555 is not connected, these leds should light showing that power with the correct polarity is available and the connections of this part of the circuit are correct.

The 555 connects the resistor juction either to V+ or ground. You could try disconnecting the 555 and doing this by hand to see that one led should brighten and the other should extinguish. If that all works then move to the 555 circuit.

I redraw the circuit to be closer from the physical project. Note that schematics are not intended at all to be physically representative of the project. I just do it to help your wiring.
Everything circled is a component, all black lines are wires (or tracks). When there is only 2 connection there is no dots on the schematic (as between LED1 and R3)
You can print the schematic, and after each connection you have done, you strike it with a highlighter.




  • 2 LED FLASHER 555.jpg
    2 LED FLASHER 555.jpg
    54.9 KB · Views: 1,222
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Hi Wotan.
When you find a circuit like your one, its often apparent as you say the components in the drawing make sense , and the end product of the completed circuit, what your looking for i think is a reason and why, from placing the first component, and wire links if bread board use, and then each components addition.

What you want i thought existed, a complete guide from start to finish.

Its rare to find such examples that walk and talk you through from start to finish why a component is used for every one on the circuit board.

I would say start with the 555 timer and read up on its uses, and what each pin does and what it means, then look into the resistors property's, resistance power etc, and the same for led's and the other components.

If then you understand what the components are doing you can look at the schematic, break it down follow the tracks, some maths to see why a resistor value is there, and work on through following the tracks. In time your know why a component is placed in a circuit and its function.

Really its about first understanding the components, then seeing what and why there needed, and there placement.

Once you understand the components the circuit will mean more from an understanding point.

It all takes time, you might have to refresh now and again, but reading the components uses and limits is the only answer that works for me.
Dave. :)
Thanks for your replies I have now begun to look into how the various components of Circuits work, this will help me to know how circuits should be put together and obviously help with understanding schematics.

Yes it comes together in the end, i am no expert, but still learning all the time, its got to be enjoyable to make it worth doing, it is for me, i hope you get the same out of the it as i do, its like wow a great achivement when i build a new circuit and its up and running.
Good luck with it, remember there are always members out here if it get a bit mind bending, always help out there.