Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Beeping problem with Simrad RD68 radio


Alan Murphy

I have a Simrad RD68 DSC radio, which frequently emits a series of 5
beeps. I originally thought that this was due to it not having a valid
position. However, over the last few years this has become so frequent
that it is now getting very objectionable.

On ringing Simrad UK, they said that this was probably due to
Southampton VTS emitting digital messages. The radio was one of the
first produced and has software version 1.0 in it. Simrad said they
could cure the problem by upgrading it - however, the software is in
an EPROM and to do the upgrade they will have to change the hardware.
This will cost £180 which to me seems excessive.

Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know the details of why
the messages might have been changed by VTS and/or why the Simrad RD68
makes these annoying beeps? Could this be a fault with the original
design of the Simrad RD68?

All information and advice gratefully received.

Alan Murphy (for address see