I've just acquired a ton of older, quality (Fluke, HP, Tektronix,
Ballantine, etc) test equipment, some of which I will be selling (let
me know if you need anything. No list yet. Prices will be reasonable
but not give-a-way).
One piece is a big question mark for me, however: a Baird Atomic SCR
Test Set.
This device is about 18"W by 24" high and must weigh 120 pounds. A
prior owner built a plug-in jig that accepts small socketed IC's
(SCR's?), yet there are also two recessed femail connectors that are
huge - designed to carry very high voltage, or more likely very high
current ... almost like you'd plug welding leads there. This seems
like an odd combination!
Does anyone know 1) what this is, 2) what it was used for, 3) how it
might be repurposed (maybe I can use it for something other than
testing SCR's), 4) where I can secure a manual, 5) what is it worth,
and 6) someone who might want to purchase it if it's just good for
testing SCR's?
I'm in a suburb of Detroit. Pickup only.
I will post photos on my website in a few days!
Thanks in advance.
Ballantine, etc) test equipment, some of which I will be selling (let
me know if you need anything. No list yet. Prices will be reasonable
but not give-a-way).
One piece is a big question mark for me, however: a Baird Atomic SCR
Test Set.
This device is about 18"W by 24" high and must weigh 120 pounds. A
prior owner built a plug-in jig that accepts small socketed IC's
(SCR's?), yet there are also two recessed femail connectors that are
huge - designed to carry very high voltage, or more likely very high
current ... almost like you'd plug welding leads there. This seems
like an odd combination!
Does anyone know 1) what this is, 2) what it was used for, 3) how it
might be repurposed (maybe I can use it for something other than
testing SCR's), 4) where I can secure a manual, 5) what is it worth,
and 6) someone who might want to purchase it if it's just good for
testing SCR's?
I'm in a suburb of Detroit. Pickup only.
I will post photos on my website in a few days!
Thanks in advance.