Maker Pro
Maker Pro

backlight on my amplifer fx display is flickering all the time, the read out is fine

Carlsbro eclipse 12 mixer amp. the fx display is working OK but the backlight is not staying on.
It keeps flickering. Any idea what's causing it..
Carlsbro eclipse 12 mixer amp. the fix display is working OK but the backlight is not staying on.
It keeps flickering. Any idea what's causing it..
Failing component or a loose connection is my best guess.
Are you comfortable taking it apart?
What kind of lights are being used for the backlight?
Could be LED, small incandescents, or even EL.
Are you looking for regulators on the 'part' or the power supply board?
Pictures can help too ;)
Yes, an image of the LCD would be nice. It seems to me a common 16x2, so leds could be inside it, in any case, you should check well by eye, as said from gryd3, wiring connections to it, and if led supply power is a nice DC.