Maker Pro
Maker Pro

AVR STK500 Firrmware upgrade failed - please help


Al Borowski

Hi all,

I was just trying to use an STK500 AVR development board. My version of
AVR studio told me I should upgrade its firmware. I did, and as luck
would have it the power lead came out during the upgrade.

Now when I turn on the STK I only get the red power LED. No other LEDs
light up, and I cannot talk to the board via AVRStudio.

I need to get this board running ASAP. Is it possible to recover from
this failure? I have a working AVRISP programmer if it will help.



Steve Sousa

Al Borowski said:
Hi all,

I was just trying to use an STK500 AVR development board. My version of
AVR studio told me I should upgrade its firmware. I did, and as luck would
have it the power lead came out during the upgrade.

Now when I turn on the STK I only get the red power LED. No other LEDs
light up, and I cannot talk to the board via AVRStudio.

I need to get this board running ASAP. Is it possible to recover from this
failure? I have a working AVRISP programmer if it will help.




Power off, press program button, power on, let go program button, run
upgrade.exe from your C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\STK500 folder.
If that doesn't work post here, there might still be another way.

Al Borowski

Please disregard this message. After I rebooted my PC, it worked for
some reason.

Thanks for the reply.

Steve said:

Power off, press program button, power on, let go program button, run
upgrade.exe from your C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\STK500 folder.
If that doesn't work post here, there might still be another way.

I am having a similar problem with my STK500 where I cannot get it into
upgrade mode. If I try either the jumper or the program button, the
status LED still flashes through the three colors and ends on green.
From what I've read, it's not supposed to turn on in upgrade mode.
AVRStudio claims it's version 1.0E on loading the program window, but
the status says it's 1.41. Any suggestions on how to get the thing

Apparently the 1200 micro wasn't programmed properly. After I hooked
up it's programming pins to an AVRISP and reprogrammed that, things
started to work properly.


Steve Sousa

Apparently the 1200 micro wasn't programmed properly. After I hooked
up it's programming pins to an AVRISP and reprogrammed that, things
started to work properly.

That was the "other way" i mentioned ;-).
Aparently the stk is vulnerable, i've seen at least a couple of 1200
Did you have trouble findind the soft, or is it running wild now?

Best Regards