Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Attract fish by sound, light or anything else

My project right now is the depth finder. I've been looking at fishfinders and how they work and I think that's probably the best way to go -
run an electronic input into a transducer and send out a fairly low-frequency sound wave since the lake will probably be deep. (Erie/Ontario).
However, I've been looking for such an ambitious soul who has posted such a schematic but no such luck.
I'm a little sketchy on how to make a reciever that will take it the returning sound waves. Can anyone lend me their Genius?

Thank you so much!
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Hop - AC8NS
And I also agree that the title of the thread bears no resemblance to the homework topic, if the topic is how to build a depth meter.
You need to do a LOT of research about how to use acoustical methods to locate the depth of an object in water, i.e., commonly known as active sonar.
Come back here when you have something to talk about, or you find something you don't understand. We will try to help if we see you are trying to help yourself.
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I really don't think it should be in HW section
there is zero indication that it homework of any sort

as a result I will move it and tidy up the thread, removing/editing posts referring to homework
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It might be easier to repel fish. A loud audio signal might do it.

Put concentric rings of transducers around the area you want to attract fish to. Activate the outer ring first, pushing all of the fish toward the center. Then, activate inner more rings in sequence. Then all the fish will be where you want them!



Hop - AC8NS
This thread is going nowhere. So howsabout a little out-of-the-box suggestion: mount a water-proof loudspeaker slightly underwater on the side of the boat. Play some fish-attractive sounds through it. Maybe try recording "Here, fishy! Fishy, fishy, fishy!" Search the Internet for fish-attracting sound clips. Report back here with pictures of results (species, length, weight) along with a "fish story" of how well it worked for you.
While not claiming any expertise in the 'fish-calling' field, wouldn't any sound transmitted into their environment more likely scare the fish off?
The vibrations may be interpreted by the fish as an approaching predator, or alarm 'clicks' of the school.
There are artificial lures that pop or rattle when trolled at medium to high speed, to hopefully grab the predator fishes' attention, but also simulates a fish / frog / insect in distress.
From wildlife / fishing documentaries seen on DSTV, a light source at night or dusk / dawn seems to work quite well.
Traditional fish aggregating devices (FAD) are silent floating platforms of various sizes. They usually don't have any active devices on board.Perhaps tossing it out there to float is enough.