Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Atomic Density of a Given Plane

Anyway, how do I find the atomic density of a given plane ? let say (110) ? The formula is atoms/volume ?

Thank you


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You measure the area of a 1 atom thick (or one molecule thick) layer of the substance. From the mass you can determine the number of moles and hence the number of molecules. From this and the area you can determine the area of the molecule on the surface of the film.

Is that what you're asking?
See this question :
Q :

A :

Is that mistake in the solution ?

Harald Kapp

No, the text is about the number of atoms in a plane. A plane is per definition just 1 atom layer thick, so the density can be given as atoms/cm².

Harald Kapp

That would be the volumetric atomic density. But the task at hand asked for the atomic density of a specific plane.