Maker Pro
Maker Pro


hey guys,
with the revolutionary aspects of arduino, would it be wise to include a sticky with links to popular arduino sites? alot of what we do here is electronic but i think arduino should have a dedicated area as its both elctronic and a specific language together.

Harald Kapp

I tend to disagree. There are already so many arduino related websites that adding another one makes no sense. I think a good Google search will guide anyone interested in arduino directly to the relevant sites.

This is a personal opinion.

with the revolutionary aspects of arduino

IMO nothing revolutionary about a micro with a boot loader and a C compiler/IDE.. It's just the latest new, cool and trendy entry level hobbiest development platform...

Popular with those that use them yes... Revolutionary? Nope...

And as Harald stated there is already a wealth of information for anyone interested in Arduino specifics with a Google search...
thats what i am talking about, not adding a whole section just a sticky somewhere directing people to or one of the wyriad of that are available
not a lot. been looking at it and will be grabbing the experimenters kit soon. if all works out well will get back to you. how is cairns my old friend?