Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Arduino turning a knob left and right with Digital PWM

Hey all i am trying to find a way in order to turn an car amp's bass level knob left and right using an arduino's Digital PWM pin. I am thinking that a stepper motor would be the correct motor to use in order to do this or no?

Also, would there be a better fitting motor to do what i am looking to do without much needed modifications to the bass level knob in order to attach it to the motor to turn it?

The bass knob looks like this:

Any insight would be great!
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It is possible to get motorised pots. It's possibly an expensive choice.
Or, if you really want to get creative: wire the existing pot up as a voltage divider and feed an A/D pin on the Arduino, then replace that pot in the original circuit with a digital pot controlled by the Arduino. Then you can control the level directly using the knob or through whatever means the Arduino is providing you to adjust your bass volume.