Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Arduino Theremin Frequency help

hello all,

I am currently working on the project from this site:

If you scroll down you will find a video of the theremin. (Only works on firefox for some reason) You will notice a wobbly effect. The hand clearly changes the frequency, but I found the same wobbled effect of the notes. They seem to be constantly changing. So even when my hand is not there, the frequency changes.

The schematic and source code are also on the bottom of the page.

I thought that it would be better if there was a single note/frequency. I am trying to demonstrate how a theremin works. Thus, is it possible to get rid of this wobbled effect and get a single note. I have no clue why that effect is there in the first place.

My second question is: I built his circuit on a breadboard and hooked it all up. My only problem is that the sound is much quieter than what he has. Is there any way for me to increase my volume.

I did not read the description in the link, so perhaps I am wrong about this, but here is what it sounds like to me:

I think the Arduino is mapping the output of the sensor to one of the standard 12 notes so that it changes the frequency only in discrete steps. Normally, a theremin would change the frequency continuously and would change smoothly as you move your hand. I think this would just be a programming change.
