Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Arduino- nRF24L01

Hi friends
I want the two microcontrollers to be communicated via nRF24L01(Transceiver)
Can any one guide me in this with the help of code

At Transmitter side I want to use
Arduino Pro Mini Board
5v Power supply

At Receiver side :
Arduino uno Board
3.3v Power supply

1 Breadboard between these two
I will the power through Receiver side

I do not understand what you exeactly are asking for. Every body will need more details to help you so:
Are you working with a PC, if so unix or windows?
Did you load an IDE, what version?
Are you already working with a Arduino? do you own the 2 pro mini's and the 2 nrf24l01?
Are you capable of loading a scetch? ( i did not see an USB to serial converter, if you have one which type do you have)
did you check out It contains an example with a
joystick eg 2 potentiometers?
and by the way an 5V power supply and a nrf24l01 is not a good idea. You will kill the transmitter. You need there a step down converter or a L78L33 or simular


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The nrf24l01 has 5V tolerant i/o so no level converters are required but the power supply must be 3.3V. Note that it draws significant current.

The software for this is pretty widely available and generally has examples.