Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Arduino noobie, please help

Hi all

This is my first post here. I've just received my Arduino Due and a couple of MPU-9150 boards. I've also get an Arduino Micro.

I've got everything setup, I can upload Sketches both Arduinos via my micro USB connection (I'm running Win7). I can flash LEDs, etc, on both so that part is working.

What I'm now trying to do is run the I2C scanner sketch with my MPU-9150 connected. I have read several forums and made sure my connections are correct:

MPU-9150 Arduino Due
3.3v 3.3v
Gnd Gnd
SCL Pin21 (SCL)
SDA Pin20 (SDA)

MPU-9150 Arduino Micro
5v 5v
Gnd Gnd
SCL Pin2 (SCL)
SDA Pin3 (SDA)

And nothing ever comes up in my scanner, says no devices found. My scanner sketch is the standard one from the Arduino website.

I have soldered the little header legs onto the MPU-9150 and I'm pretty certain there's a good connection there with no overlaps. I've actually tried 3 MPU-9150 chips now (all the same GY-80s) and nothing.

Anything else I can try?

Thanks in advance

edit: I've also just tried connecting both of my Arduinos together (the Due as the master and the Micro as the slave). I added a 22k resister to each of the Sxx connections on the slave (Micro). Still nothing comes up in my I2C scanner checker.
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Well I finally got something working at least. I have managed to get hold of each of the components and get some results back, the Gyro, Accelerometer and Magnetometer.

I've found though that Magenetometer is not very accurate - has anyone found the same? It's an HMC5883L. I do get a full 360 degrees of reading but 0 degrees is around 40 degress out from North and when I spin my chip exactly 90 degrees, it's only accurate within 1-20 degrees. For some reason, it always seems to go back to its own 0 degrees fairly consistently so the spread of degrees is not linear by the looks of it. Anyone else found this?