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Arduino based frequency counter design

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I have been working on an Arduino based frequency counter for a while. It is working well but I probably have to improve the design. In fact I designed it for myself as a hobby, then I thought about industrializing it. Here is the project log

If you are interested by this project, would you give me your opinion about the design specifications by filling out this survey?

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If you are interested by this project
TBH there are already a number of frequency counters available that do the same job but with less component count and lower cost.

Undoubtedly cheaper too.

Not to distract from the design - I appreciate the work put into it - but you're kind of re-inventing the wheel.....

Thanks for your replying to this post and showing interest, all the more that it is from enlightened people

The picture is just an illustration of a measurement @4Mhz. The upper frequency is above 70 Mhz and I hope to reach 100 Mhz.

Yes, the circuit is relatively complex as compared to simpler frequency counters. The reason is obvious: simple frequency counters don't offer a proper isolation of the circuit. Often they don't even have high input impedance, for example when the signal is fed to a single transistor. The other reason for a simpler architecture is that they don't offer what Arduino offers: the possibility to program the board, to connect I2C peripherals, to use SPI etc... if they have any connector at all.

If you would like more information on the actual design, that will be enhanced depending on the results of the survey, you can check

And of course your welcome to participate in the survey.
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Your use of abbreviations to designate ranges needs some serious thought.

These abbreviations mean things already, using them for something else makes you look... well, it's not wise.
The upper frequency is above 70 Mhz and I hope to reach 100 Mhz.
Again, I seem to be 'raining on your parade' but there are many, many solutions available already:

allegedly good to 2.4GHz although, since I actually have one, I've only tested it to 150MHz and it's accurate to better than 10Hz - [disclaimer - I don't have the accurate test equipment to 'prove' this but have also seen Youtube videos of people testing them to confirm their accuracy]. The claimed 60mV input sensitivity is correct and, if it was an issue at all, a simple buffer input could fix that in a trice.


good for a claimed 500MHz.

the possibility to program the board, to connect I2C peripherals, to use SPI etc...
why would anyone want to? It's a DFM. Built (or bought) as one and presumably USED as one so why would anyone want to program or change its function?

I understand your own personal pride at the completion of a 'complicated' circuit and in a professional manner but other than a demonstration of your abilities (very impressive) it has no other practical use to others - that hasn't already been done before and for a LOT less time, trouble and expense.

Thanks for showing us your project though - as mentioned, you have considerable design and construction skills that could be useful to prospective employers (perhaps that was your aim?) but you've still, IMHO, just re-invented the wheel - but not 'improved' on the wheel.
What survey???? No link.......
Here is the survey link

Indeed there exists many frequency counters on the market and you can buy very cheap products from China. I believe the global market of frequency counters is around 10 billion dollars, sot there surely are any kind of products, for all the needs.

The first one you mentionned is a VHF counter. I doubt you can measure a GHz signal with a not properly isolated case and without any proper connector, but anyway I have no mean to check its good operation and accuracy.

I haven't tested the second one but I tested another very commonly found on ebay and burned it after one week of use. From what I have tried, I very much doubt a 20$ frequency counter is accurate up to 500 Mhz.

Anyway thanks for your feedback, I have had exactly the same answer, word for word from somebody who was not scottish, but a teacher at the MIT! (USA) He gave me the same ebay link for the same product as yours. Must be pretty good and I must admit at 10 pounds, such a bargain
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
This is just advertising for a crowd funded campaign. I'm closing the thread.
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