Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Arduino Audio Data: Transmission

Hi! So I've been brainstorming an idea that involves voice recognition using an adafruit MAX4466 and the BitVoicer program ( and I ran into a bit of a wall. So I understand how to create an audio signal with the microphone, but what I don't quite know how to do is streaming the audio to the PC. The website says streaming TCP/IP but I would like to know what specific modules I will need to accomplish this. Thanks!
OK, I've figured that I need to use the ESP8266 Module to connect my project to wifi. I want to keep this as small as possible so that it can be easily portable.
I have a few more questions though to Hopup the genius:
If I connect the ESP8266 module to my project, how could I connect it to my phone's data? I want to be able to take this project around with me without being limited to my own home wifi.

Edit: Clarification - The ESP module is ESP-01
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Hi again Nate, in the instructables link, he is using USB as virtual COM port for communication.

As for your question about using the device in remote location with your phone, I have no experience with this kind of setup. Pretty sure there is simple way to do it as far as you have Android or IOS device, since you only need to redirect the data from the phone to your computer and back.