This can be from the power supply, logic control, display driver board, or
the display tube itself. You will have to have it properly checked. The
average shop cannot service plasma displays. They would have to jobber it
out to the manufacture rep. You can bring it there yourself. Call your
dealer to find out where they are. These sets are usually serviced at the
board exchange level only. Very little component level service is done on
these. After the board change, the boards are calibrated or set-up to specs
by software and calibration instrumentation. You will not be able to service
this yourself, unless it is a simple fuse or connection somewhere. If the
fuse if blown, usually there is a much deeper fault.
Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
On my 18 months old CD72T the green plasma display has gone
off indefinitely... Anyone know what the problem might be?