Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Appropriate lights for jack-o-lanterns


Top Spin

After you cut out the topknot, slice the pumpkins vertically
as if you were going to bake them like a huge squash. Clean them,
of course, and carve faces in what will be the front half.
Cut a circle in the bottom of each, as well, and get a vertical
post of some kind, and just clamp the pumpkin halves around the
post. Stick the halves together with toothpicks.

Not sure I understand. Why cut them in half and then toothpick them
back together? How about just leaving them whole and cutting the hole
for the post?
If you want
to get fancy, fit a couple of little platforms around the
post for the middle and top pumpkins to sit on so their weight
doesn't squash the bottome one.

These are small pumpkins. I don't think the weight will be a problem.

Rich Grise

Top said:
Not sure I understand. Why cut them in half and then toothpick them
back together? How about just leaving them whole and cutting the hole
for the post?
I guess I'm lazy - I'm thinking about what a pain it would be
for me to either slide the pumpins down the post after fitting
the lights, or fitting the lights inside a pumpkin shell,
reaching into the same hole that the post is going through.Cheers!