Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Anyone out there familiar with regenerative receivers? If so...

If you go to my website, which is you will see my schematic of an FM super-regenerative receiver, which I made some years back and posted it around the internet.

I am now interested, if possible, to have the unit function as an AM receiver. Would anyone out there give me some sort of component added/changing/ catch the AM band?

I would still like to use my J-FET transistor.

a friend, Patrick


Hello Dave,

If you are knowledgeable with 'those many changes' that need to be made, would you kindly let me know all of I would like to continue experimenting with the unit. I had gotten the unit to go as low as 50MHz, but then the regen had stopped. Could it be the choke.
Once more Dave,

When you look at the video...there are 3 links on the 1st will show you the schematic I used to make the unit.

again, thank you for replying to my concern.

a friend, Patrick