Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Anyone feel like helping a complete idiot?

No seriously - I am one of those guys who thinks he has an idea, but no concept of how to execute it.

I am trying to modify one of my kids' toys. I want to use a touch controller to activate a series of micro-vibrating motors, depending on where the sensor is touched.

I have found this potentiometer, that sounds like what I want.

And I think these button motors will fit inside the toy

But its the part in the middle - LOL - that is what I don't know. All of my electronics education was years ago and I have forgotten virtually every bit. What I want to do is have 4 of the motors activate depending on where the pot is pressed.

There is another motor that could also work

I will use a battery pack - preferably 2-4 AA for the source.

Is there a brave soul who wants to do the middle part? Show me how to connect these?

*** sigh.. anyONE.. see I cant even type
Hi Edy
So a different point on the strip will turn on one motor. And another point in the pot will turn on another motor. Do you want the motors to turn off as you go up the POT or stay on?
@ Adam- ideally they would shut off as you move up and down the strip - a little more info: I will have the sensor in the back of a snake. Motors on the belly. As you run your finger down the back, the motors will come on and shut off. Ideally this will make the snake 'slither' when touched. So starting at the head, touching the sensor high will turn on motor 1, then as you move down teh strip, the motors turn off and the next on, etc.

As far as I can tell - and I am dumb - the schematic you have shown would work - I think. In that diagram do the motors stay on or shut off?
Don't be so hard on yourself, you can't be that dumb taking on a project so far out of your "comfort zone".
Is the snake out of very soft material? If so, the vibration may not be felt. Have you ordered some of these motors and tested them on the battery?
Do you have a multimeter that you can measure current with? The part Adam suggests can probably supply 30mA per motor. It would turn on one to multiple motors but I don't think it does one at a time. Think of it as a VU meter on a stereo system.
How much space do you have in the snake, enough for a little circuit board?

Ultimately I would suggest to you to try the Arduino. Even though I'm not a fan, they are very easy to use and learn with. The program would be extremely simple and I think you can get away with a simple design that doesn't require any additional parts other than what you have selected.
@ Adam- ideally they would shut off as you move up and down the strip - a little more info: I will have the sensor in the back of a snake. Motors on the belly. As you run your finger down the back, the motors will come on and shut off. Ideally this will make the snake 'slither' when touched. So starting at the head, touching the sensor high will turn on motor 1, then as you move down teh strip, the motors turn off and the next on, etc.

As far as I can tell - and I am dumb - the schematic you have shown would work - I think. In that diagram do the motors stay on or shut off?

Hi Edy. The mode you are talking about is dot mode. When the next level is triggered the next motor would turn on and the previous motor would turn off. This is what you want it to do.
@pgi - I am only slightly familiar with Arduino. I know its a pretty flexible platform and I have seen it in everything from Battlebots to home sprinklers. But I don't even know how to connnect vibration motors, much less program an Arduino. for my initial test, I am going to leave the circuit board out of the toy so I can tinker with it. Once I have things sorted out, yes, I have room for the board. I may find that I want more motors or different configurations, so I won't install everything until I am happy.

@adam - thanks for the advice. I think I can figure this out (maybe)

Hey anyone want to make a couple of bucks??? LOL
Edy. Advice is free on here. You will also be supprised that some people have designed the circuit and a PCB also for free. :) We enjoy it, thats why we do it, so what do you need?